

Predating Islam, Mandeans are an ancient faith thatwasmentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Their religious liturgy is written in Mandaic, a dialect of Aramaic that is closely related to the language of the Babylonian Talmud.  Some scholars have connected them with the ancient Jewish Nasoraean sect and Baptism. Mandeans practice a form of weekly absolution, thereby they tend to reside near water sources. However, in the recent years, this community has seen increased displacement in Iran and migration into other countries, exacerbating their dwindling population problems. Although it is against the Mandean religion to cut their hair and to serve in the military, societal pressures increasingly force them into assimilatory behaviors to abandon these long-standing tenets of their faith. This small religiousgroup has historically suffered from persecution throughout Iran’s history but after the Islamic Revolution, they lost any official constitutional recognition.  In 1996 community advocates fought to obtainofficial recognition for the Mandean faith on the basis of recognition in the Koran (as Sabaean) and fulfillment of other criteria. Despite eligibility, the request for recognition was denied.